About Me

I am a third year undergraduate student at IIT Kharagpur, majoring in Mathematics and Computing under the Department of Mathematics. My key interest lies in exploring various domains and fields. I am broadly interest in different areas of Deep Learning, involving Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Multi-Task Leanring and Generative Models. Other than that, I am genuinely interested in Open Source Contributions and working with Artificial Intelligence based solutions to real Life problems.

Academically, I am currently Department Rank 3 of my Department with a CGPA of 9.69 on a 10 scale. Over the past, I have taken courses on Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Image Processing, Probability and Statistics, Genetic Algorithms for Engineering Process Modelling as a part of curriculum. Other than that, I have completed several online courses, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning Specialization, Understanding Financial Markets, Introduction to Psychology available on Coursera. I have had also participated in the Qiskit Global Summer School 2020 held from 20th July, 2020 to 30th July 2020.

Lately, I've been fascinated by Generative Models and their potential for contributing to Artificial Creativity. Exploring different Deep Learning Architectures and analyzing their generative results have been a part of the case study based self projects that I have recently worked on. I have explored Generative results and GAN based architectures for Images and Text. I recently started exploring the potential of Deep Learning in Automated Music Generation which mainly comprised of Transformer based Architectures for Symbolic Music Generation (MIDI Dataset Based). For more, checkout Projects page.

Apart from academics, I have been actively participating in various Extra Co-Curricular Activies since the school level including Debate, Drawing, Dance and Music Related Events. My primary hobbies are exploring different fields and domains, drawing, Dancing, playing musical Instrument(Keyboard). Currently, I am also learning Japanese as a part of my hobby.

Here is a link to my Resume: CV_Adarsh_Kumar.pdf